We started our Morocco trip with a slight hiccup.
It all started on the day England were playing against Croatia in the semi-final. Bobbe was out with our friends watching the game. In all the excitement and hype of the game, one of his friends accidentally poked him in the eye.
As usual, he thought it would go away in a day or two. We were supposed to leave for Morocco in 2 days.
Waking up on the day of the flight, he complained that he can’t keep his eyes open. He decided that it was best to show to a doctor before we flew. At the Eye Casualty unit in Southampton General Hospital, the doctor told him that he’s got three lacerations in the cornea. He prescribed to take 2 eye-drops every hour (yep – including night time) for two days straight (yep – we didn’t get proper sleep in the first two days) and then every 6 hours thereafter. He also mentioned that it was VERY IMPORTANT to show to an ophthalmologist in two days. Wherever he is.
To make things worse, one of the eye-drops required to be refrigerated. This was tricky as we were going to a country that was scorching hot and we would be out and about exploring and sightseeing. Our solution? Put ice in a thermal bottle and put the medicine in it. To our surprise and delight, this worked throughout the trip!
Anyway, we needed to consult an ophthalmologist before we set off on our desert tour (on day 3 in Morocco – there was no ophthalmologists on weekends, so we couldn’t do a consultation earlier), but it was hard work finding one! I won’t go into the details, but it took us 5-6 hours driving around with our tour guide, Hasan, to finally consult an ophthalmologist and find the additionally required medicine. This meant that we were only able to set off on the tour at 2 pm whereas it normally starts at 8 am. (Our friend felt really bad about this whole incident – but hey, these things happen! If you’re reading this, DON’T FEEL BAD ALEX!!
Guys, this just shows that not everything is perfect and you don’t necessarily see the full story in pictures. Regardless, it’s up to you to make the most of it. And that’s exactly what we did. We didn’t let this one obstacle ruin our trip. Even though Bobbé spent the first 6 days with about 30% visibility in one eye haha. Luckily it has healed now and there is just a little scar. But because it’s not in the line of sight it’s all good!
Happy Travels!
Loving your morocco stories so far!! Keep it up <3
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